More about EFT ...
- How do our emotions affect our physical well being?
- Unresolved emotions will manifest as physical ailments unless dealt with. Very often, physical pain or dis-ease is the result of having stored emotional pain over quite a long period of time. I believe this also is true for serious dis-eases – once the emotional root of the disease has been resolved, the physical symptoms will be dissolved.
- Why do we have fears & phobias?
- Our unconscious mind remembers experiences that we have either pushed from our conscious mind or simply forgotten – or both … If we have a traumatic experience, i.e. we’ve had a lucky escape in a body of water and at a young age, our subconscious stores the memory and subsequently, each time we’re in or near a body of water the subconscious sends warning signals to the body that ‘water is not safe’. We experience panic symptoms, accelerated heart rate, sweats and what feels like genuine fear. We may not even be aware of the original incident with water if we were very young at the time or if it was so traumatic that it was banished from consciousness. Our subconscious mind is protecting us from going near water so that we never have to experience that particular trauma again. What the subconscious is not aware of is that it has created this phobia over just one incident. Before the incident we most likely had no problem with water at all and equally, had the subconscious not created a phobia, we could have been in water since … maybe just exercising a bit more caution than before…
- How do we eliminate the phobia?
- Hypnotherapy takes us to a state of deep relaxation where the ‘trap door’ (ego) to the subconscious mind is loosened and we can add new information i.e. ‘you’re grown up now, the water doesn’t hold the same danger to you as when you were little’. This won’t encourage us to suddenly jump into the deep end of the swimming pool without knowing how to swim, but will allow us to get our feet wet and consider swimming lessons… After a series of quality hypnotherapy sessions the phobia should be completely eliminated and a new confidence will have taken it’s place.
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). With EFT we us 8 ‘tapping’ points, found on our body’s energy meridians. While focusing on the issue we wish to eliminate we tap lightly on these points, until any emotion we felt relating to the issue is released. The theory behind EFT, according the EFT founder, Gary Craig, is that “The cause of all negative emotion is due to an imbalance in the body’s energy system”. By addressing the emotion, acknowledging it and tapping on the 8 main points whilst ‘tuning in’ (focusing on) the negative feeling, the emotion can be negated and, whilst recognizing that there was an issue, we simply fail to ‘feel’ it any more in our body. The energy system of the body is now in balance regarding that particular issue. The recipient feels very relaxed after EFT, not unlike hypnotherapy, infact it has a similar effect on the mind, by loosening the trap door between conscious and subconscious mind which permits us to release past trauma and to also replace the trauma with something positive.
- Whilst EFT is extremely effective – and incredibly fast working – we must be careful not to be lulled into a false sense of security that the issue has completely gone because we’ve addressed one part of the issue and removed it. Most issues have various aspects to them and, to remove the whole issue we must be careful to remove each aspect. To use the fear of water example again, the ‘fear of water’ may be the name we give to the problem, but the aspects relating to it may include such phrases as “I nearly drowned”, “I could hear my mum screaming”, “I couldn’t breathe”, “I couldn’t feel the bottom, “I felt completely alone”, etc. Only by tapping on each of these aspects and eliminating the emotion attached to each of them can we safely say that the ‘fear of water’ has been completely resolved. We may find that on approaching a body of water we notice another aspect coming up, this should be released easily with a couple of minutes tapping as the majority of the work is already completed. Once ALL of the aspects have been removed, the issue will become a thing of the past, so much so that we may not even remember that we had a problem around water! Example: I had one lady client who’d had a fear of water for almost 50 years, stemming from a near drowning incident at a very young age. After our 90 minute tapping session I left her with her towel tucked under her arm, excited about going down to the pool and jumping into the shallow end (she’d previously spent numerous holidays n this resort without even considering entering the water). I met her again some months later as she returned to the island for another holiday and, naturally, asked her if she’d been swimming. She looked at me as if I was a little crazy and said “of course”, as if she’d never had an issue with water in her life!
- How many EFT treatments do we need?
- For fears and phobias, EFT works very quickly. If the root cause of the issue is known we can normally remove the issue completely in just one 90 minute session. If the root cause is unknown, more treatments are needed, but generally, 3 are sufficient. EFT is not just for fears and phobias though. It can be used for just about any physical, mental, emotional issue. Serious dis-eases can also be treated, Parkinson’s, M.E. (Chronic Fatigue) and Fibromyalgia are just some who’ symptoms I’ve seen relieved immensely by applying EFT. Naturally, serious dis-eases come with many aspects, most of which are hidden (in our unconscious mind) and therefore more sessions would be needed to find and remove them.
- How can I make an appointment for EFT?
- If you are on the island of Gran Canaria then you can reserve a time either by using the contact form n the website or by telephone Martha directly on (+34) 608 930 731. If you are not or cannot be on the island, we can make an appointment for a Skype meeting, which is just as efficient as an ‘in person’ therapy.
I hope this answers some questions, should you have others, please message us via the contact page.
- How do our emotions affect our physical well being?
- Unresolved emotions will manifest as physical ailments unless dealt with. Very often, physical pain or dis-ease is the result of having stored emotional pain over quite a long period of time. I believe this also is true for serious dis-eases – once the emotional root of the disease has been resolved, the physical symptoms will be dissolved.
- Why do we have fears & phobias?
- Our unconscious mind remembers experiences that we have either pushed from our conscious mind or simply forgotten – or both … If we have a traumatic experience, i.e. we’ve had a lucky escape in a body of water and at a young age, our subconscious stores the memory and subsequently, each time we’re in or near a body of water the subconscious sends warning signals to the body that ‘water is not safe’. We experience panic symptoms, accelerated heart rate, sweats and what feels like genuine fear. We may not even be aware of the original incident with water if we were very young at the time or if it was so traumatic that it was banished from consciousness. Our subconscious mind is protecting us from going near water so that we never have to experience that particular trauma again. What the subconscious is not aware of is that it has created this phobia over just one incident. Before the incident we most likely had no problem with water at all and equally, had the subconscious not created a phobia, we could have been in water since … maybe just exercising a bit more caution than before…
- How do we eliminate the phobia?
- Hypnotherapy takes us to a state of deep relaxation where the ‘trap door’ (ego) to the subconscious mind is loosened and we can add new information i.e. ‘you’re grown up now, the water doesn’t hold the same danger to you as when you were little’. This won’t encourage us to suddenly jump into the deep end of the swimming pool without knowing how to swim, but will allow us to get our feet wet and consider swimming lessons… After a series of quality hypnotherapy sessions the phobia should be completely eliminated and a new confidence will have taken it’s place.
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). With EFT we us 8 ‘tapping’ points, found on our body’s energy meridians. While focusing on the issue we wish to eliminate we tap lightly on these points, until any emotion we felt relating to the issue is released. The theory behind EFT, according the EFT founder, Gary Craig, is that “The cause of all negative emotion is due to an imbalance in the body’s energy system”. By addressing the emotion, acknowledging it and tapping on the 8 main points whilst ‘tuning in’ (focusing on) the negative feeling, the emotion can be negated and, whilst recognizing that there was an issue, we simply fail to ‘feel’ it any more in our body. The energy system of the body is now in balance regarding that particular issue. The recipient feels very relaxed after EFT, not unlike hypnotherapy, infact it has a similar effect on the mind, by loosening the trap door between conscious and subconscious mind which permits us to release past trauma and to also replace the trauma with something positive.
- Whilst EFT is extremely effective – and incredibly fast working – we must be careful not to be lulled into a false sense of security that the issue has completely gone because we’ve addressed one part of the issue and removed it. Most issues have various aspects to them and, to remove the whole issue we must be careful to remove each aspect. To use the fear of water example again, the ‘fear of water’ may be the name we give to the problem, but the aspects relating to it may include such phrases as “I nearly drowned”, “I could hear my mum screaming”, “I couldn’t breathe”, “I couldn’t feel the bottom, “I felt completely alone”, etc. Only by tapping on each of these aspects and eliminating the emotion attached to each of them can we safely say that the ‘fear of water’ has been completely resolved. We may find that on approaching a body of water we notice another aspect coming up, this should be released easily with a couple of minutes tapping as the majority of the work is already completed. Once ALL of the aspects have been removed, the issue will become a thing of the past, so much so that we may not even remember that we had a problem around water! Example: I had one lady client who’d had a fear of water for almost 50 years, stemming from a near drowning incident at a very young age. After our 90 minute tapping session I left her with her towel tucked under her arm, excited about going down to the pool and jumping into the shallow end (she’d previously spent numerous holidays n this resort without even considering entering the water). I met her again some months later as she returned to the island for another holiday and, naturally, asked her if she’d been swimming. She looked at me as if I was a little crazy and said “of course”, as if she’d never had an issue with water in her life!
- How many EFT treatments do we need?
- For fears and phobias, EFT works very quickly. If the root cause of the issue is known we can normally remove the issue completely in just one 90 minute session. If the root cause is unknown, more treatments are needed, but generally, 3 are sufficient. EFT is not just for fears and phobias though. It can be used for just about any physical, mental, emotional issue. Serious dis-eases can also be treated, Parkinson’s, M.E. (Chronic Fatigue) and Fibromyalgia are just some who’ symptoms I’ve seen relieved immensely by applying EFT. Naturally, serious dis-eases come with many aspects, most of which are hidden (in our unconscious mind) and therefore more sessions would be needed to find and remove them.
- How can I make an appointment for EFT?
- If you are on the island of Gran Canaria then you can reserve a time either by using the contact form n the website or by telephone Martha directly on (+34) 608 930 731. If you are not or cannot be on the island, we can make an appointment for a Skype meeting, which is just as efficient as an ‘in person’ therapy.
I hope this answers some questions, should you have others, please message us via the contact page.